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Working more hours solves shortage labour market

Employees must work more hours.
That is the way to solve the shortage in the labour market in the short term, say Dutch business organisations VNO-NCW, MKB-Nederland and AWVN.
According to entrepreneurs, extending working hours should be a topic of discussion more often in companies and in collective bargaining.
Current labour shortages are causing "serious problems," the business associations said in a statement. The entrepreneurs point out, among other things, that the quality of care is declining.
There are also problems in education and public transport."The knife cuts both ways: if people start working more, we will solve part of the shortage problem. And it is good for the purchasing power of employees, now that life has become considerably more expensive in a short time," it sounds like.
According to the business associations, the Netherlands has 4.5 million people who work part-time. Of these, 500,000 would have indicated that they would like to work more immediately if that also paid.
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